In the Moment

Notes from the forefront


606 - A Trail of Flowers and Foliage


The 606 is a unique trail of flowers, foliage and a steady stream of locals traversing the Humboldt Park, Logan Square and Wicker Park neighborhoods. The populace that utilizes the trail comes on bike, scooter, foot and even, on occasion, roller skates. This elevated thoroughfare has become a vibrant ribbon of green and outdoor recreation. And with it has come redevelopment, new buildings, parks, recreational outlets and retailers. It's like a river of life running through the city.

The 606 was a decade in the making and is a feat of engineering, perched atop the Bloomingdale Train Line. The resulting trail has drawn people from all over and has become a community center and spark for change in the areas it touches. It's a testament to how a communal, recreational experience can bring people together and boost real estate and retail along with it. 

Seen here is a morning stroll amidst the changing colors and last blossoms of the season.

Eric Masi